We all have patients who we make our day! We love treating them and they love the results they get. Some days we wish we could have an entire practice filled with clones of this patient. Well – you can!
Choosing your ideal patients
You may think you know who your ideal patients are, but I highly recommend a brainstorming session. Especially if you are still in business plan writing mode. Think through each of the following categories and write down a description of your ideal patient. More details on this can be found in chapter 3 of THE MANUAL for the Chiropractic Entrepreneur.
- Life Stage
- Fitness Profile
- Behavior
- Occupation
- Insurance
Filling your practice with your ideal patients
Is it really possible to identify who you would like your ideal patients to be and select them? Yes! Back in the days of the yellow pages, patients didn’t really know what they were going to get when arrived at a chiropractic practice. But now, active consumers are seeking out specific styles of care, techniques and specialties. There are two easy ways to ensure that the patients who are seeking you out are the ones you want to see!
- Be specific on your website. Be sure to highlight your techniques, services and specialities on your website and all online areas (search engines and social media). In fact, try to only use photos and videos that represent your ideal patients.
- Internal marketing and referrals. Time to clone your ideal patient. Actively target referrals from the patients who you enjoy the most. They are likely ready and willing to text their friends, coworkers and family members if you ask. They are also the type of patient who will write you an awesome review – if you ask. Like refers like, so don’t be shy. Let them know how much you enjoy them and simply ask if they know others who are as enjoyable!
Who is not your ideal patient?
It is really important to realize that you will not be the ideal chiropractor for everyone. As a trained sports chiropractor, I may not be the best fit for someone who prefers an activator or light touch approach. That is not to say that I cannot provide activator adjustments, and many of my current patients receive exactly that. However, arguably a chiropractor who has received extensive training in the Activator Method would probably be a better overall fit in the long term. Just like a chiropractor who does not have any soft tissue or sports (Graston, Active Release Technique or Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician) training may do fine treating athletes, but a trained CCSP might be a better fit.
Understanding who is not your ideal patient is a great step into building a network with other chiropractors that will lead to cross-referrals, mentorship and ultimately better patient care. You want to go to work every single day excited about all of the patients on your schedule. Ever have that feeling when you see a patient coming in and you think “Is my approach really the best approach for them?”. If you do – refer out and keep growing your patient base your way!
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I want to hear more about your growth and success. Share your ideal patient brainstorming summary with me: shoot me an email lisa@drlisagoodman.com
Dr. Lisa Goodman, DC, CCSP, CACCP founded Washington Park Chiropractic in 2006 in Denver, Colorado. Author of THE MANUAL for the Chiropractic Entrepreneur, Dr. Goodman is passionate about inspiring chiropractors to find confidence in realizing their full potential…in practice ownership! Dr. Goodman is an international speaker to the chiropractic and medical professions. Dr. Goodman is a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician (CCSP) and Certified Prenatal and Pediatric Chiropractor (CACCP). She is TPI-L1 certified through the Titleist Performance Institute. She is also a CrossFit Level 1 and CrossFit Kids Certified Trainer. Areas of special interest include golf biomechanics, youth athletes, ankle and wrist injuries, instrument assisted soft tissue techniques. Stay connected with Dr. Goodman on Instagram @washparkchiro or @drlisagoodman